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Title:Superfine powder conveying

Plastic products factory, or need industrial cold water machine the machine with circulating water and oil cooled friend, in the purchase of industrial cooling water machine, often do not know what type of industrial cooling water machine, in order to achieve the refrigeration effect of the demands on themselves, or say not to know what kind of machine is more suitable for their own production workshop.
First of all, we should make clear what kind of industrial cold water machine is divided into several types: the general manufacturers, will produce two kinds of water and air.
Air-cooled industrial chillers, in which body containing a thermal insulation water tank and a water pump, without adding another cooling water tower to heat. Installation and removal is very convenient. But it on the work environment requirements higher, first of all, because it is in hot air circulation to refrigeration, so if the installation of the workshop ventilation effect is not good, directly influence to industrial chiller cooling effect. In addition, if you want to put the industrial chillers in humidity requirements of the dust-free workshop, then I advise you modified water. Because of the air-cooled industrial chillers, in set-top emit steam to heat

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